Wednesday, November 29, 2017

The Traveling Prison

One of the most insidiously effective
aspects of religion and its control over
the general population is that it provides 
a means of keeping people in line that
they provide and maintain themselves.

Once a person has been indoctrinated 
into religion (the younger the better, so they
can utilize all the proper fear tactics and 
appeal to the desire to please authority
figures,) they carry the very message that is 
controlling them within their own mind.

It's an entirely cost-effective and results-oriented
means of keeping virtual shackles on the
imprisoned populace. The kicker? They
also believe that the shackles they now have--
which they don't even consider as such--were
entirely their own idea and choice!

So under the illusion of freedom--and being
approved of by their cosmic father figure--
people are kept in place by a system of
perpetual obedience and deference.

You don't have to have group think and
mob mentality to rehash the stories and 
rituals that will keep the sheep in check,
but they're available too.

But once you instill sufficient levels of
shame, guilt, body-consciousness, fear,
repression, and self-hate into folks, they
happily motor about their business oblivious
to the chains that now bind them.

Because when you sell a bill of goods
under the banner of being loved and 
accepted, of being part of something
bigger, of having a purpose and a place...
you really can get away with murder 
in the fine print.

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