Monday, November 6, 2017

Father, Figured

It's not coincidence that the god concept (in the 
most popular, widespread religions and beliefs)
is crafted as male.

Products of masculinity-based cultures, the 
patriarchies of the past sought to instill continued

The traditionally masculine attributes of animosity,
ferociousness, possessiveness, dominance, aggression,
hawkishness, chaos-mindedness, pettiness, jealousy, 
and all the other egoistic, out of control, power-hungry
traits of 'god' originate in his creator, man.

Thus they are given a 'divine' blessing when god
exemplifies these behaviors and traits.

If anything is permissible in one's attempts to
advance the 'will of god,' then nothing can be

Just look to the current G.O.P. politicians to 
see how the fixed notion of 'manly, righteous,
disaffected god' is used to promote and defend
all manner of heinous efforts.

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